Friday, February 11, 2011
Freaking pissed off right now!
Don't ask me why cos i'm so not gonna mention about this loser anymore. Look at yourself in the mirror before judging anyone,okay?
You're making me mad and you don't seem you care right? Oh whatever! like you know it. -.-
There's no perfect person in this world okay? You too man! And if you wanna find one, I suggest you to go find GOD. You're so sensitive and you get mad easily and what happen next when you're mad? You show people the f*ck face.
I'll stop here as I don't want it to be obvious.And i know because of your perasan-ess, you'll come asking me whether isit about you anot after you saw this. Well, I'm so not gonna answer you LOSER! @.@
Wait.Why am i mentioning about this loser? Why should i care? You don't deserve my care loser! if you could like f*ck off and i'll be really thankful. :D
Short post today. :) Bye.